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The SUPRA® 55VP is a high-resolution scanning electron microscope that features proprietary VP (variable pressure) technology for the GEMINI® column. This technology enables direct imaging of non-conductive or delicate specimens without the need for complicated sample preparation techniques. The VP technology is also available on the SUPRA® 40 VP and SUPRA® 60 VP. The operation of high vacuum mode or variable pressure mode can be easily selected with a simple mouse click. The SUPRA® 55VP offers the highest resolution available today, comparable with “in-lens instruments”, combined with a superb large fully eucentric 5” stage and a large multi-functional specimen chamber. It has been designed for the most demanding applications in nanotechnology, with sub-nm resolution readily attainable. This makes the SUPRA® 55VP a versatile and user-friendly tool for a wide range of applications.

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