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State of the Secondary Semiconductor Equipment Market, 2022 Report

Pre-owned semiconductor equipment sales is a multi-billion dollar global market annually. However, the secondary market for semiconductor manufacturing equipment is fragmented, unmeasured and easily overlooked by chipmakers, industry groups, and regulators alike.

This report leverages Moov's extensive work at the burgeoning center of the industry, and examines the state of the secondary market for semiconductor equipment, focusing on fab-to-fab sales, with implications for the entire semiconductor supply chain and the 200+ downstream industries it impacts.

In this report, you'll find:

  • Introduction
  • Defining the secondary equipment market
    • History
    • Challenges in measuring market size
    • Projected Market Size
    • Asset Composition
  • Trends in Used Equipment Supply and Demand
    • Awareness of Used Semiconductor Equipment
    • Demand for Used Semiconductor Equipment
    • Demand for Used Semiconductor Equipment
  • The Future of the Secondary Semiconductor Equipment Market
    • Market Growth
    • Barriers and Opportunities
  • Conclusion
Market trends poster
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Executive Summary

  • Awareness of and interest in the secondary market for semiconductor manufacturing equipment has increased sharply over the past two years.
  • Historical estimates of the size of the global secondary market for semiconductor manufacturing equipment put market size in 2022 between $5.9 billion to $11.8 billion, however; this may be an underestimate.
  • A majority of semiconductor manufacturers surveyed showed willingness to resell equipment no longer in use, creating supply of pre-owned equipment.
  • A majority of semiconductor manufacturers surveyed expressed intent to increase their spend on pre-owned equipment in the future.

7 Charts and Graphs, 10+ Pages of Insights

Global Search Volume for Used Semiconductor Equipment
Bar graph of global search volume for used semiconductor equipment.
Moov Used Marketplace Sales by Technology Node
Pie chart for Moov used marketplace sales by Technology Node