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The WaferWoRx 300® is a powerful tool that analyzes the probe mark to reveal the true performance of the prober, probe card, and setup under actual test conditions. It replaces time-consuming manual analysis with automated probe mark data collection and analysis, delivering quantifiable data and easy-to-interpret results in minimal time. This enables you to rapidly assess your probing process, identify and analyze issues within the process, and define solution options. The WaferWoRx 300 features high-resolution 3D and 2D probe mark and probe tip inspection, proprietary WaferWoRx software for prober setup and performance analysis, Test-at-Temperature probing analysis for true test cell performance, and advanced algorithms and image-based analysis for rapid screening of probed wafers. Overall, the WaferWoRx 300 is a powerful tool that can help you increase control over your probing process and improve its performance.

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