Member-to-member messaging policy

Member Message Policy

At Moov we understand the importance of being able to communicate in order to determine whether a deal is right for you.

However, to maintain a safe community, we have guidelines and policies that outline acceptable messaging behavior.

We don’t allow members to:

  • Make offers to sell or buy outside of Moov
  • Send spam messages
  • Make threats, use of profanity or hate speech
  • Exchange any personal information including email addresses, phone numbers, payment information, physical addresses, social media links or accounts, or any other form of external contact information
  • Send viruses, links, malicious code, or any form of software through our messaging service

This list applies to all messages or text information that may be shared in the platform through Message Seller, Offer Making, or any type of content sharing or posting listings on the Moov platform.

Moov reserves the right to monitor, edit, and prevent the sharing of message content that violates this policy or any message that we deem in violation of what is considered acceptable within the purpose of validating tool requirements or specific requirements that are of standard behavior when attempting to qualify the validity and technical integrity of a tool for a given listing from which content or messaging was originated or intended to support.

Moov does not share personal information in almost all cases we do not share personal information for buyers or sellers. Aliases are used to maintain anonymity for buyers and sellers.

Buyer and Seller Contact Policy

As a member of the Moov community we encourage you to be thorough in your attempts to validate tool information. We understand that As-Is or used equipment contains a number of implications that should be explicitly discussed before agreeing to or making any offer on an item of interest. We do not allow members to make any offers to transact outside Moov, reference or request for personal contact information including but not limited to phone numbers, email addresses, personal or business physical addresses, web addresses, links of any sort, or any form of contact information through any form of Moov communication including messaging or content posting capabilities on Moov.

All activity on Moov is required to abide by this policy in accordance with the Moov User Agreement and all applicable laws not limited to trade laws, as well as general respect for the rights of third parties participating in the Moov ecosystem. Moov may monitor all forms of message sharing or content posting through Moov. Any activity that is deemed suspicious, fraud, abuse, spam, or in violation of any Moov policies may result in removal of listing or other content, issuance of a warning, restriction of activity or a complete ban from Moov and notice to all involved or parties of interest. In addition Moov may take action with applicable laws and regulations of any sort.

Spam Is Not Allowed

We do not allow our members to spam one another. “Spam” is any part of communication that is not related to a listing in question from whence all forms of messaging or offer creation must originate. This includes any form of communication that is unsolicited or commercial in nature.

Unsolicited means the recipient did not request the message or the message is not relevant for what the recipient would expect given the context of a listing either party is responsible for creating and maintaining. Commercial includes any messages containing the discussion of buying or selling outside the platform, or trading of other goods or services.

Offers to Buy or Sell outside of Moov are not Tolerated

Any form of messaging or content creation that includes email addresses, phone numbers, physical addresses, social media links or accounts, contact information, usernames, or any form of personal information is strictly prohibited.

Messages that include links or web addresses to external resources or platforms are additionally covered by this policy as a form of violation to acceptable message or content creation activity.

If you believe you have received any message that violates our policy please forward it to

If you have received a warning for violating any of Moov’s policies and you have reason to believe this was an error or you were suspended for a violation of our policies and you would like to learn more please contact us at

Moov has a legitimate right to protect the work performed and the value created by offering the marketplace and communication features associated with it. You recognize that attempting to circumvent Moov’s role in a potential transaction damages Moov reputation and hurts its commercial interests in an amount that is difficult to ascertain. As a result you agree that liquidated damages are appropriate for such conduct and are not intended as a penalty but solely to compensate for damages. A breach of this conduct policy requires you to pay an amount of up to 20% of the gross merchandise value of the equipment for the relevant transaction. 

Threats, Profanity or Hate Speech

Messages or content containing threats of physical harm are strictly prohibited. Violations will result in immediate account suspension. If you are the recipient of a threat we urge you report to local law enforcement

The use of profanity or hate speech of any sort in communication with other members through Moov messaging system is also not tolerated, and may lead to account suspension.

Additional Information

Certain contact information may be disclosed to the other party in some scenarios when a deal is agreed upon and complete. It may also come up that certain scenarios require additional validation or inspection of tool information to confirm expectations, in which case Moov will attempt to setup a workable situation in which both parties can participate in some method to share and receive required or relevant information, this process may require the exposure of some contact information. Any and all cases where this is applicable will be directly managed by the Moov team - Please contact moov sales if you believe you require this assistance.

We may modify these terms from time to time. The most current version of the terms will be located here. You understand and agree that your access to and use of Moov’s services and messaging on the Moov platform is governed by the Terms effective at the time of your access or use of the platform. You understand and agree that your continued access to or use of the platform after the effective date of changes to the Terms represents your acceptance of such changes.