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STAR 100


The Ultratech Star 100 is a type of 1X stepper that provides improved alignment for device features that are larger than 0.8 micrometers. It is intended to replace contract printers and other systems by offering better alignment capabilities and more advanced networking features. The Star 100 can handle wafers that range in size from 75 millimeters to 200 millimeters, and it is marketed as an affordable lithography solution for high-volume fabs that produce low-cost power ICs, linear chips, and application-specific ICs. The system is based on Ultratech’s 1500 stepper platform and uses a cutting-edge machine vision system (MVS) for pattern-recognition alignment. It also has a new PC-based system controller and operator interface. The MVS alignment system includes new software that allows it to align to difficult product layers, eliminating the need for large scribe lines.

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