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Marketplace > CMP > AXUS TECHNOLOGY > G&P POLI-610

G&P POLI-610


The G&P Technology POLI-610 Polishing tool is used for the precision surface preparation of very hard, brittle materials such as Silicon Carbide, Gallium Nitride, and Sapphire. This is an especially good polishing tool for such LED materials which require relatively long polishing cycles and significant application of down force to achieve the desired removal rate and surface quality. The POLI-610 polishing tool is an excellent choice for economical processing of 3″ (76mm) and 4″ (100mm) wafers using “batch: style processing. In the tradition of all G & P Technology tools and equipment, the POLI-610 is a versatile and flexible process tool already chosen by R&D laboratories, university research centers, consumables suppliers, substrate manufacturers, and developers of LED substrates, and III-V materials.

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