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6" Fab For Sale from Moov - Click Here to Learn More
6" Fab For Sale from Moov - Click Here to Learn More
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6" Fab For Sale from Moov - Click Here to Learn More
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The CAMECA IMS-6f is an ultra-high vacuum (UHV) system designed for secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) analysis. Equipped with a magnetic sector analyzer, it offers exceptional mass resolving power, with a minimum m/Dm of 25000 (10% definition). The system features a duoplasmatron source that can produce O2+ or O- ions, and a microbeam source for Cs+ ions, providing premium beam stability and ultra-fine minimum beam size (300nm for O2+ and 200nm for Cs+). Key capabilities of the IMS-6f include low detection limits and high resolving power in depth profiling, ultra-shallow depth profiling, 3D ion imaging, and excellent charge neutralization, making it an advanced tool for studying material surfaces and interfaces at the nanoscale.

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