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Marketplace > SEM / FIB > JEOL > JSM 6300

JSM 6300


"The JSM-6300, a top-of-the-line research-grade SEM, combines advanced digital technology with automated features for effortless operation. With a newly developed super conical corrected field objective lens and 3.5 nm resolution, it excels as an analytical SEM. Accommodating specimens up to 150mm in diameter, it offers versatility. Transform the JSM-6300 into a full-blown EPMA with various analytical attachments, supporting up to 3 WDS and 1 EDS X-ray Spectrometers. Benefit from the dual operation panel, providing rapid response (analog) and superior image quality (digital). Specifications: Resolution (secondary electron image): 3.5 nm Accelerating voltage: 0.2 to 5 kV (100 V steps) / 5 to 30 kV (1 kV steps) Magnification: x 10 to 300,000 Probe current: 10-12 to 10-5A Image modes: SEI, BEI (TOPO and COMPO), ECP Specimen stage: Eucentric goniometer (X=50mm, Y=70mm, Z=40mm - fine Z movement -3 to +2mm, T=-5 to 90°, R=360° endless) Auto functions: AFD, ACB, ASD, AFD + ACB, Auto Photo"

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