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PrecisionWoRx VX4


The PrecisionWoRx VX4 series is a cutting-edge probe test platform designed to provide accurate and repeatable performance. Based on the industry-standard PrecisionPoint, the PrecisionWoRx platform allows users to confidently test tighter pitches and smaller probe tips. It supports a wide variety of checkplates to suit your process and technology requirements, and its patented QuickFlip feature makes the test-to-rework positioning of the probe card easy and accurate. The platform is optimized for arrays 4 inches or smaller and features proprietary image processing recipes for enhanced testing of the majority of probe tip geometries in use today. With measure channel configuration options from 375 to 2250, the PrecisionWoRx VX4 series is suited to meet your testing needs, supporting probe cards with needle counts up to 35,000. Overall, the PrecisionWoRx VX4 series is a reliable and versatile solution for today’s probe test challenges.

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