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AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS SEMVISION G4 MAX is an Automatic defect review and classification system which can be used for 12" wafer sizes. The Applied SEMVision(TM) G4, which extends the technology and productivity of Applied's highly successful SEMVision system to 45 nm and beyond applications. Key to the SEMVision G4 are its new SEM column technology and enhanced multi-perspective SEM imaging system (MPSI) that deliver state-of-the-art 2nm physical resolution for unmatched image quality at a benchmark one defect-per-second review rate. The SEMVision G4 brings several advanced defect monitoring capabilities from the engineering floor to in-line volume manufacturing. These vital analytical tools enable customers to rapidly analyze and classify defects as small as 30nm in the most sensitive device layers, such as immersion photoresist and low-k dielectrics. Featuring EDXtreme, a revolution in EDX(1)-based material analysis, the SEMVision G4 extends the chemical characterization of defects to sub-50nm particle sizes. The system's new SEM column can rotate and tilt up to 45 degrees relative to the wafer to provide complete 3-D data for superior defect visualization and classification. In addition, wafer edge and bevel analysis technology address a new frontier of yield enhancement, enabling customers to successfully address immersion-related defectivity issues.

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