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The Keysight 6227B series of power supplies combines the versatility of a dual power supply with the flexibility of auto-series and auto-parallel operation, each supply can deliver the maximum-rated output voltage or current of each section. Dual power supply Auto-series, auto-parallel operation Auto-tracking Output ratings (0 - 55 deg C): 0-25 V, 0-2 A Ripple and noise (20 Hz to 20 MHz): CV: 250 uV rms, 4 mV peak-to-peak; CC: 250 uA rms, 2 mA peak-to-peak Load regulation: 0.01% + 1 mV, 0.01% + 250 uA Line regulation: 1 mV, 100 uA Physical Specifications: Weight: 11 kg (24 lb)

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