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GSM 6000


The GSM 6000 series is a modular platform for electrical and graphic personalization of SIM cards and pay TV cards. With up to 24,000 cards per hour, the system achieves the highest throughput on the market worldwide. In addition to single and dual SIM cards, the GSM 6000 PLUS can even process quarter SIMs. The high-speed chip encoding solution combines a new combi-head that is fully scalable. It requires no retooling and thus guarantees maximum flexibility in production. With up to 128 parallel chip encoding units in 32 card slots, the system achieves unparalleled performance, with longer encoding times of up to 18 sec. possible without any loss of speed. A major advantage in terms of graphic personalization results from the integrated Mühlbauer high-speed laser. It guarantees the highest laser lifetime of up to 75,0000h (10 years+) while providing higher quality, e.g. deep black and more robust graphic personalization results. Up to four Mühlbauer high-speed laser systems can be integrated.

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