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The PARIO 500 palletizing system is used for stacking and destacking of tray stacks and thus for orderly loading and unloading of trays in automated processes. In combination with a process machine or integrated into a production line, tray stacks are loaded/unloaded at an ergonomic height. Depending on the desired layout, the PARIO 500 is available in a straight version (basic 0°) or an angled version (90°). The 0°-version also offers the option of width adjustment for mixed operation with multiple tray widths. Usually, the PARIO 500 is used in pairs, one as loader and the other as unloader. In addition to the two versions already mentioned, there are also versions for special logistics concepts such as the trolley. Here, the PARIO stacks or unstacks a tray stack on trolleys with height up to 1400mm. By a lift, which equalizes the different working heights, the PARIO 500 can also be loaded and unloaded with trays via an AIV.

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