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6" Fab For Sale from Moov - Click Here to Learn More
6" Fab For Sale from Moov - Click Here to Learn More
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6" Fab For Sale from Moov - Click Here to Learn More
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The XL30 SFEG is a high-resolution SEM produced by ThermoFisher (previously known as FEI). It is a versatile instrument for advanced research in fields such as materials science, semiconductors, electronic devices, failure analysis, and life science. The microscope employs a Schottky-type field emission source and supports a broad range of accelerating voltages from 200 V to 30 kV. It can achieve resolutions of 1.5 nm at > 10 kV and 2.5 nm at 1 kV. The microscope is equipped with a full set of detectors for imaging in secondary and back-scattered electrons, including a Through-the-Lens detector with variable bias for high-resolution observation. The system is designed for operation at low kV, allowing uncoated and insulating materials to be examined with minimal charging. The XL30 SFEG also offers high spatial resolution structural research and high-resolution analytical work with techniques such as EDS, CL, EBSD, and EBIC.

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